How do I get measurement time?
Please note the general terms of use as well as the specific terms of use for each piece of equipment (which can be found on the respective subpages).
Anton Paar Micro Indentation Tester
Please contact Martina Hofmann or Daniel Gitschthaler. The calendar page displays the currently taken/available time slots.
Bruker Nanostar
Please contact Herwig Peterlik. The calendar page displays the currently taken/available time slots.
Mantis HEX
Please contact Stephan Puchegger. The calendar page displays the currently taken/available time slots.
Sentech Spectroscopic Ellipsometer SENpro
Please contact Stephan Puchegger. The calendar page displays the currently taken/available time slots
Varian Cary 5
Please contact Martin Haßler. The calender page displays the currently taken/available time slots.
WITec alpha 300A
Please contact Dieter Baurecht. The calendar page displays the currently taken/available time slots.
Zeiss Axio Imager 2
Please contact Martina Hofmann. The calendar page displays the currently taken/available time slots.
Zeiss Supra 55 VP
Please contact Stephan Puchegger. The calendar page displays the currently taken/available time slots.
How can I access my data?
You can access the server containing all the data via the SFTP protocol from your workplace PC. Get a copy of WinSCP from its website and install the program. Now start WinSCP, create a new connection profile with "New" and fill it out as follows:

It is important that the IP address of the computer (“Host name”) is, the port number is 22 and your username (which is identical to the username you use to login to the SEM control computer) are entered into their respective fields. The file protocol should be set to SFTP and the checkbox to the right should not be checked, since the server does not support the SCP protocol. If you do not enter your password you will be requested to enter it upon login. Once you are logged into the server you should see your home directory and you can start copying data to your workplace PC. Please note that it is not possible to delete files or directories remotely.
Accessing the server is from now on only possible from the IP address ranges of the faculties of physics, chemistry and the UniVPN.