Varian Cary 5

Varian Cary 5

The repair of the Varian (now Agilent) Cary 5 UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer, which were largely financed by the dean's office, has been completed. It works within specs again and uses modern software. Hence we want to make it accesible to others.

Despite its age its performance is comparable if not the same as the top of the line instruments Cary 5000 which shares the optical design. (The photometric range is lower with 6 ABS compared to the Cary 5000's 8 ABS.)

Due to the lack of experience on our end we cannot assist the user with their measurements, nor can we perform measurements for others.

Person in charge

Please contact Martin Haßler if you need further information.


For more detailed information on the specifications plase check the Wiki.

Wavelength175 - 3300 nm
Wavelength Accuracy± 0.1 nm UV-Vis
± 0.4 nm NIR
Spectral Bandwith0.01 - 5.00 nm UV-Vis
0.04 - 20 nm NIR