Anton Paar Micro Indentation Tester

Anton Paar Micro Indentation Tester

The Anton Paar Micro Indentation Tester (MHT) is a tool to characterize mechanical properties of surfaces like hardness or Young's modulus. Possible samples are thin hard coatings, thick soft coatings and bulk materials. The system provides accurate and reproducible values and conforms to international standards like e.g. DIN EN ISO 14577, ASTM E2546, ISO 6507, ASTM E384.

Persons in charge

Please contact Martina Hofmann or Daniel Gitschthaler if you need further information.


  • Automated optical microscope with a total magnification of up to 2000×
  • Automatic hardness and elastic calculation
  • Load-controlled measurements from 0.01 up to 30 N
  • Instrumental penetration testing from 50 mN up to 10 N
  • Penetration-depth sensor with a measurement range up to 1 mm
  • Automated surface approach
  • Testing diamond for the measurement of the Vickers hardness

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