
Showing entries 41 - 60 out of 80
Fellinger, J., Mayer, A., Winkler, G., Grosinger, W., Truong, G.-W., Droste, S., Li, C., Heyl, C. M., Hartl, I., & Heckl, O. H. (2019). Tunable dual-comb from an all-polarization-maintaining single-cavity dual-color Yb:fiber laser. Optics Express, 27(20), 28062-28074.

Grytsiv, A., Romaka, V. V., Watson, N., Rogl, G., Michor, H., Hinterleitner, B., Puchegger, S., Bauer, E., & Rogl, P. (2019). Thermoelectric Half-Heusler compounds TaFeSb and Ta 1-x Ti x FeSb (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.11): Formation and physical properties. Intermetallics, 111, Article 106468.

Truong, G. W., Winkler, G., Zederbauer, T., Bachmann, D., Heu, P., Follman, D., White, M. E., Heckl, O. H., & Cole, G. D. (2019). Near-infrared scanning cavity ringdown for optical loss characterization of supermirrors. Optics Express, 27(14), 19141-19149.

Winkler, G., Perner, L., Truong, G.-W., Bachmann, D., Mayer, A. S., Fellinger, J., Zederbauer, T., Follman, D., Deutsch, C., Cole, G. D., & Heckl, O. H. (2019). High-Performance Mid-Infrared Crystalline Bragg Mirrors at 4.5 µm. In CLEO: Science and Innovations 2019: San Jose, California, United States, 5–10 May 2019 Article SF2O.7 OSA - The Optical Society.

Fellinger, J., Mayer, A., Winkler, G., Droste, S., Li, C., Heyl, C. M., Hartl, I., & Heckl, O. H. (2019). All-Polarization-Maintaining Dual-Color/Dual-Comb Yb:Fiber Laser. In 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference IEEE.

Winkler, G., Perner, L., Truong, G.-W., Bachmann, D., Mayer, A. S., Fellinger, J., Zederbauer, T., Follman, D., Deutsch, C., Zhao, G., Bailey, D. M., Fleisher, A. J., Cole, G. D., & Heckl, O. H. (2019). High-Performance Mid-Infrared Crystalline Bragg Mirrors at 4.5 µm. In Advanced Solid State Lasers 2019: Vienna, Austria, 29 September–3 October 2019 Article ATu4A.7 OSA - The Optical Society.

Fellinger, J., Mayer, A., Winkler, G., Grosinger, W., Truong, G.-W., Droste, S., Li, C., Heyl, C. M., Hartl, I., & Heckl, O. H. (2019). Tunable all-polarization-maintaining single-cavity dual-color/dual-comb from an Yb:fiber laser. Paper presented at Advanced Solid State Lasers Conference 2019, Wien, Austria.

Iwakuni, K., Porat, G., Bui, T. Q., Bjork, B. J., Schoun, S. B., Heckl, O. H., Fermann, M. E., & Ye, J. (2018). Phase-stabilized 100 mW frequency comb near 10 μm. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 124(7), Article 128.

Tavassoli, A., Grytsiv, A., Failamani, F., Rogl, G., Puchegger, S., Müller, H., Broz, P., Zelenka, F., Maccio, D., Saccone, A., Giester, G., Bauer, E., Zehetbauer, M., & Rogl, P. F. (2018). Constitution of the binary M-Sb systems (M = Ti, Zr, Hf) and physical properties of MSb2. Intermetallics, 94, 119-132.

Paschinger, W., Rogl, G., Grytsiv, A., Michor, H., Heinrich, P., Müller, H., Puchegger, S., Klobes, B., Hermann, R. P., Reinecker, M., Eisenmenger-Sittner, C., Broz, P., Bauer, E., Giester, G., Zehetbauer, M., & Rogl, P. F. (2016). Ba-filled Ni-Sb-Sn based skutterudites with anomalously high lattice thermal conductivity. Dalton Transactions, 45(27), 11071-11100.

Rogl, G., Sykora, R., Legut, D., Müller, H., Bauer, E., Puchegger, S., Zehetbauer, M., & Rogl, P. F. (2016). Mechanical Properties of Non-Centrosymmetric CePt3Si and CePt3B. Paper presented at SCTE-2016, 20th International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements, Zaragoza, Spain.

Rogl, G., Grytsiv, A., Gürth, M., Tavassoli, A., Ebner, C., Wuenschek, A., Puchegger, S., Soprunyuk, V., Schranz, W., Bauer, E., Mueller, H., Zehetbauer, M., & Rogl, P. (2016). Mechanical properties of half-Heusler alloys. Acta Materialia, 107, 178-195.

Showing entries 41 - 60 out of 80