
Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 20 von 76

High-power, low-noise mid-IR frequency combs

Oliver H. Heckl
International Conference on Ultrafast Science and Quantum Sensing (USQS2025)
Konferenz, Vortrag
10.1.2025 - 14.1.2025

Crystalline Supermirrors for the Mid-Infrared: Advancements and Material Metrology

Lukas Perner , Gar-Wing Truong , Maximilian Prinz , D. Michelle Bailey , Georg Winkler , Seth B. Cataño-Lopez , Valentin Wittwer , Thomas Südmeyer , Catherine Nguyen , Stephan Puchegger , Adam J. Fleisher , Garrett D. Cole , Oliver H. Heckl
Field Laser Applications in Industry and Research 2024
Konferenz, Vortrag
16.9.2024 - 20.9.2024

Fiber lasers for spectroscopy applications

Oliver H. Heckl
4.7.2024 - 4.7.2024

Closing remarks and outlook

Oliver H. Heckl
Postdoc Conference 2024
Konferenz, Vortrag
10.6.2024 - 10.6.2024

Advances in broadband saturation spectroscopy: probing new physics in the mid-infrared

Oliver H. Heckl
13.5.2024 - 13.5.2024

Investigation of the ice nucleation properties of birch pollen

Eleonora Hendrika Gertruda Mezger-Backus , Friederike Strahl , Clara-Magdalena Saak , Markus Mezger , Florian Reyzek , Hinrich Grothe
ACS Spring 2024
Konferenz, Vortrag
17.3.2024 - 17.3.2024

Advances in Broadband Saturation Spectroscopy: Probing New Physics in the Mid-Infrared

Oliver H. Heckl
19.2.2024 - 19.2.2024

Crystalline Supermirrors for Infrared Applications

Oliver H. Heckl
USQS - International Conference on Ultradast Science and Quantum Sensing
Konferenz, Vortrag
26.1.2024 - 26.1.2024

High-power, low-noise mid-IR frequency combs

Oliver H. Heckl
24.1.2024 - 24.1.2024

High-Accuracy Measurement of Refractive Indices in GaAs/AlGaAs Thin-Film Heterostructures

Oliver H. Heckl
Humboldt-Kolloquium „Forschungskooperationen im Wandel – Chancen und Herausforderungen für das Humboldt-Netzwerk“
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium, Vortrag
21.9.2023 - 23.9.2023

Fiber lasers for spectroscopy applications

Oliver H. Heckl
Modern Spectroscopic Techniques“
Seminar/Workshop, Vortrag
13.7.2023 - 13.7.2023

High-Accuracy Measurement of Refractive Indices in GaAs/AlGaAs Thin-Film Heterostructures

Lukas W. Perner , Gar-Wing Truong , David Follman , Maximilian Prinz , Georg Winkler , Stephan Puchegger , Garrett D. Cole , Oliver H. Heckl
2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023)
Konferenz, Vortrag
29.6.2023 - 29.6.2023

Nanojoule-level spectrally tunable all-PM mode-locked Yb:fiber laser

Saeid Ebrahimzadeh , Sakib Adnan , Valentina Shumakova , Vito Fabian Pecile , Jakob Fellinger , Michael Leskowschek , Collin Aldia Pulickal Edwin , Aline S. Mayer , Lukas W. Perner , Sarper Salman , Stéphane Schilt , Christoph M. Heyl , Ingmar Hartl , Oliver H. Heckl , Gil Porat
2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023)
Konferenz, Vortrag
28.6.2023 - 28.6.2023

High-Precision Measurement of Birefringent Mode Splitting in an Ultrastable High-Finesse Optical Cavity with Crystalline Mirrors

Maximilian Prinz , Marcin Bober , Dominik Charczun , Lukas Perner , Piotr Morzyński , Mateusz Narożnik , Gar-Wing Truong , Garrett D. Cole , Oliver H. Heckl , Piotr Masłowski
2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023)
Konferenz, Vortrag
26.6.2023 - 26.6.2023

Cavity Dual-Comb for Spectroscopy and Ranging Applications

Oliver H. Heckl
Sonstiges, Vortrag
15.5.2023 - 15.5.2023

Single Cavity Dual-Comb for Spectroscopy and Ranging Applications

Oliver H. Heckl
Sonstiges, Vortrag
15.5.2023 - 15.5.2023

Mid-Infrared Crystalline Supermirrors for Optical Cavities with 231 000 Finesse

Gar-Wing Truong , Lukas W. Perner , Georg Winkler , Seth B. Cataño-Lopez , Catherine Nguyen , David Follman , Oliver H. Heckl , Garrett D. Cole
CLEO 2023 San José
Konferenz, Vortrag
11.5.2023 - 11.5.2023

High-Accuracy Measurement of Mid-IR Refractive Indices in GaAs/AlGaAs Thin-Film Heterostructures

Lukas Perner , Gar-Wing Truong , David Follman , Maximilian Prinz , Georg Winkler , Stephan Puchegger , Garrett D. Cole , Oliver H. Heckl
CLEO 2023 San José
Konferenz, Vortrag
8.5.2023 - 8.5.2023

A 99.9986% reflectance crystalline coating at 4.45 µm for mid-infrared cavity-enhanced sensing

Gar-Wing Truong , Lukas W. Perner , Georg Winkler , Seth B. Cataño-Lopez , Catherine Nguyen , David Follman , Oliver H. Heckl , Garrett D. Cole
SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing: Next-Generation Spectroscopic Technologies XV
Konferenz, Vortrag
3.5.2023 - 3.5.2023


Dido Denier van der Gon , Valeria Milotti , Claudia Berkmann , Lukas Perner , Joselyn Benalcazar , Jorge Laranjeira , Manuel Melle-Franco , Thomas Pichler , Oliver H. Heckl , Paola Ayala
Hetero Nano Carb 2023 Advances and Applications in Carbon Related Nanomaterials: From pure to doped structures including heteroatom layers
Konferenz, Vortrag
9.1.2023 - 13.1.2023

Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 20 von 76